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مـــــــنــــــتـــــــدي الــــــــــبـــاشــــــــا احـــمـــد عـــــبـــد الـــــســــــــلام
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 Avast Professional 2008 v4.8.1229 قاهر الفيروسات

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 253
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
العمر : 31
الموقع : https://mody9.yoo7.com

Avast Professional 2008 v4.8.1229 قاهر الفيروسات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Avast Professional 2008 v4.8.1229 قاهر الفيروسات   Avast Professional 2008 v4.8.1229 قاهر الفيروسات Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2008 11:30 am

# avast! Professional Edition is a complete ICSA certified antivirus package for small office home office use - SOHO. Protect your system and valuable data against computer viruses with Avast! Professional Edition.

avast! 4 Professional Edition is a collection of award winning, high-end technologies that work in perfect synergy, having one common goal: to protect your system and valuable data against computer viruses. It represents a best-in-class solution for any Windows-based workstation. This page demonstrates its most important features and provides links to further resources.

Key features:
# Antivirus kernel
# Automatic updates
# Simple User Interface
# PUSH updates

Enhanced User Interface
# Virus Chest
# Resident protection
# System integration
# Script blocker
# Command-line scanner
# P2P and IM Shields
# Integrated Virus Cleaner
# Network Shield
# Support for 64-bit Windows
# Web Shield
# Internationalization

# avast! Professional Edition is a complete ICSA certified antivirus package for small office home office use - SOHO. Protect your system and valuable data against computer viruses with Avast! Professional Edition.

avast! 4 Professional Edition is a collection of award winning, high-end technologies that work in perfect synergy, having one common goal: to protect your system and valuable data against computer viruses. It represents a best-in-class solution for any Windows-based workstation. This page demonstrates its most important features and provides links to further resources.

Key features:
# Antivirus kernel
# Automatic updates
# Simple User Interface
# PUSH updates

Enhanced User Interface
# Virus Chest
# Resident protection
# System integration
# Script blocker
# Command-line scanner
# P2P and IM Shields
# Integrated Virus Cleaner
# Network Shield
# Support for 64-bit Windows
# Web Shield
# Internationalization
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Avast Professional 2008 v4.8.1229 قاهر الفيروسات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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((¯`•¸·´¯)ahmed*Abdelslam(¯`¸•´¯) :: منتدي البرامج العامه :: قسم حمايه الجهاز من الفيروسات-
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